Monday, November 25, 2013

What's Slovenia got to do with it?

Stereotyping people from other countries is one of those things for which I'm guilty and hence, trying to overcome. Sometimes, however, I have no preconceived notions about people from certain places because, well, I just haven't been exposed to them through the natural course of living and working in Europe.
Sharon (not her real name) from Slovenia gave me the following answer when I asked her to tell me how she got herself out of her comfort zone and out of her country.

Enter Sharon:
What drives me out of my comfort zone? Pure hunger, passion and vision!
If you want to set a goal like learning [as a Slovenian at least two!] two foreign languages »fluently«, to master it, you need to put in that extra hours and that extra effort, to show respect to those languages and its cultures.
One of the key challenges which we Slovenians and especially young generation need to address is their [our] appetite for Excellency [to really master something].
As W. Smith put it: »hours and hours beating on your craft«. Here I want to serve an example of Maestro, a top world-wide winning Slovenian dancing team. []. [By the way they are currently going big in California!] Why are they where they are? Because, those guys are working on every move, over and over again, polishing it to perfection. And another key message is: team work.
My experience with leaving Slovenia, for a yet another completely different language, way much out of my comfort zone than English, has taught me that the only power is in generosity. Being generous especially with sharing knowledge, experience and good energy, furthermore openness to new and unknown, team work, creating high performing teams. It is all about helping people to achieve their highest potential.
I truly have a vision we can build a better Slovenia, a better world if we try to understand the needs beyond boarders [our own boarders and country boarders] and maybe try to address those [their] needs.
If we understand other cultures not in a way of putting ourselves downand saying how they do it better and how that is not possible in Slovenia. Because it is. They key is to look abroad, learn how to do it better and bring it back home. And I know we can do it. We can build a better future.
Think of working smarter, beyond that »hamster« hard-working wheel [Slovenians are recognized abroad as honest, dedicated hard working employees], beyond boarders.
And if you really want to achieve something greater, have balance, happiness in your life, you have to “heart it”.Put your heart into whatever you do. I had a vision. And I am living my vision now, overlooking from my corner office in the 15th floor, seeing the whole beautiful city and the river which takes me back where I belong, to the Adria. Adria is where my heart is. Never forgetting where we came from. And as hungry as I am, I am working on my new vision, new goals and new boarders to cross.
It is hard work every day. To get yourself out of your comfort zone and do the best you can. That is my challenge every day.